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Facebook: None - One dormant/closed account: https://facebook.com/FBpagejsi
Instagram: None
Twitter/X: None
YouTube: None
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/-jsi
Personal Website: beinspiredbyjoy.com
Direct Contacts: Phone, Email, Virtual/In-Person, Above Sites
If you find any information that is online impersonating or person(s) of derogatory, diabolical and negatively obsessive in nature in use of my name or personal or professional information, please reach out to me or report this to authorities.Please Note: Impersonation of personal information also entails of HIPAA violations, Slander & Defamation of Character, Falsifying Documents/Records & Interactions, Online Harassment & Stalking, Recruiting others to participate in the evil - Uncultured, Unintelligent, Unaware, Uncivilized, Unkind souls sold to project on, isolate-divide & manipulate others all the day long, Smear Campaigns with vicious lies, Illusion of Relationship & Knowledge, Invasion of Privacy, Doxxing & Hacking devices, Compromising Personal & Professional workspaces & Safety, Abuse of Power, Use of Personal Information to gain accesses, this amongst other hate crimes.
I am only aware of a confirmed small amount that happened, however if you have verified additional information, please reach out via my contact tab or contact authorities. I want to be sure this does not happen to another soul. 08/08/2024(🤍True Followers of Christ do not gang up & prey on others. We Gather Together and Pray for Others🤍)Save the BEST for last.........
The amount of people that I have to THANK: My AMAZING Parents and Family, along with a scroll long of names that will roll around a corner! We may never meet again, or chat daily, but we're connected by LOVE, Truth, Wisdom, The Holy Spirit, Discernment, The Kingdom Of Light, Uncontrollable Laughs, Memories & Loyalty❤️Please believe ON EVERYTHING, I am Grateful, Prayerful, Sending Vibes of Good Courage, Knowledge, Positivity, Christ Jesus and ALL things to Lift You and to Promote YOU, Your Children, Your Family and Generations to come! ALL things Prosperous for you, In Good Health, and Promises from the Lord in Faith❤️Even in my sleep, I pray and intercede on your behalf & so much more! In Jesus name!
Forward Motion At ALL Times!!